Why Your Big Kids Should Use a Homeschool Planner

Why Big Kids Should Use A Homeschool Planner

{I received this product for free and was compensated for my time.  All opinions are my own and I was not required to post a positive review.}

“Begin with the end in mind”

As our children are growing older, one of the best gifts we can give them is the gift of organized independence.  I’m not talking about turning kids loose to do whatever whenever with hopes that they stay out of trouble.  I’m talking about guiding them to create good habits that last a lifetime.  Sometimes as homeschool moms we can be guilty of doing too much for our children, making life too easy. We are with them to guide their every move – which is good – and bad.

Our job, as parents, is to be working ourselves out of a job!

That’s where a planner from A Plan in Place enters the picture.

A Plan in Place Homeschool Planner Review

Benefits of Using a Homeschool Planner

A good habit to instill in our children is effectively using a planner.  Effective is the key word here.  We can all jot appointments down on a calendar, but if we aren’t using the calendar as a tool to help guide our day, then it can be pretty pointless.  Using a planner daily is a good way to gradually stop spoon feeding our students and help them to manage their own school work and their own day.

A good homeschool planner can go a long way in helping to make for a smooth homeschool year.  Beginning around 3rd grade is when I like to have my children start keeping a planner.  They keep students on track and particularly helps moms of many stay organized!  A quick glance at the planner tells me what has or hasn’t been completed for the week. for each of my children.

My kids can start the day knowing what needs to be completed.  They can “begin with the end in mind”.  When their subjects are checked off for the day they are finished.  They also can review what is coming for the week as well.  Perhaps we have a field trip at the end of the week so my older child needs to plan accordingly, or just want to be done early on Friday and can work ahead.  It fosters independence and allows them to take control a bit of their own education.

What I Like About A Plan in Place Planner

A Plan in Place Homeschool Planner

- Flexible – easy to customize to the needs of my family

- Space to jot down goals – makes it very easy to refer to/review during the year

- Space to remind of chores – no need to nag, it’s all written down!

- Ample writing space

- Scrapbook of the year – no need to spend time pulling together an end of the year portfolio, it’s done!

Whether or not your state requires much reporting, this is a nice keepsake of the year.  On those days when you or your child feel like not much is being accomplished or not much progress is being made, you and your student can look back on the year and feel good. Really good.

A Plan in Place planner would be a excellent addition to any homeschool and your year will be better for using it.  Be sure to check out the Customized Student Edition Homeschool Planner, prices range from $19.99-$29.99.  Functional and affordable, even when buying for several students.

Order now through June 30, 2014 and receive a FREE accessory pack!  Use code FreeSmallAP

Follow A Plan in Place on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube

A Plan in Place is giving away 10 $25 gift cards to do some planner shopping.  Be sure to enter!



  1. Stephanie Brewer says

    That is a nice planner. My son could really use help in the time management area. lol
    Stephanie Brewer recently posted…Freezer Cooking and Meal PlanningMy Profile

  2. Kelly Cloak says

    I love the simplicity of this planner! I think my kiddos could really benefit from a plan for independence.

  3. Karyn Colon says

    We use one for each of our future and it helps me keep track of what we’ve accomplished and what we’ve got to look forward to. Great article!!

  4. Cassie says

    I would love to give this planner a try!
    Cassie recently posted…Used Curriculum Sale 2014 Link upMy Profile

  5. Carol paine says

    A planner that the kids keep themselves is an interesting idea. I usually give them a weekly assignment sheet.

  6. Ginger says

    I use a planner myself but have not done so with my children. I think my oldest is at the age to give this a try.

  7. Shannen says

    I love using a planner for my teen. Now I just make the general lesson plan, but she writes down what she should be doing each week in her planner, making her more responsible for getting it all done!
    Shannen recently posted…10 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Parenting a TeenagerMy Profile

  8. Charmaine says

    This would be perfect for my daughter to help her feel in control of her day.
    Charmaine recently posted…Emotional ScarsMy Profile

  9. Lori says

    We’re starting the ninth grade at the end of the month. We’ve been doing a student planner for a couple of years; he writes everything down from my master planner.

  10. Melinda Hollis says

    That looks like it might be more effective than the cheap agenda planners I’ve gotten at Wal-Mart for my oldest. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

    Melinda Hollis recently posted…Why I love homeschooling #934My Profile

  11. Cristina says

    this fall, my boys will be in 6th and 4th grades and this will really help them stay on track!

  12. April W says

    Thank you so much for sharing this! The year will be our first year home schooling and I am trying to find ways that will help simplify our days.

  13. Rachel Henneberger says

    I’m on the hunt for the perfect planner and I would love to give this a try! It looks great.

  14. Natasha says

    I roadschool my four children; grades 8th, 6th, 4th, & 1st.
    Having these customized for each kid would be super helpful! All the customized options look like they would work well for our family!

  15. Beth F says

    In a few weeks I’ll have three kids “officially” homeschooling, so I’m looking for something to keep the older kids more organized and heading toward more independent learning, this would be a great place to start!

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