It’s right around the corner and I just can’t believe it. Maybe it’s the fact that we live in a warm weather state now, but I feel like we skipped right over Lent and Easter is here. The start of this season usually means we have to slog through at least 6-8 more weeks of an already long winter. Not this year! Well, not in Florida anyway.
Of course Lent doesn’t have anything at all to do with the weather.
As a family and personally we are still praying and talking about what we are going to give up or do. Perhaps we are not the only ones still making Lenten preparations, so here is a roundup of some wonderful resources to help you and your family on your Lenten journey.
A couple of things I know we will be doing:
Holy Heroes – we will definitely be starting our day with these short videos. My kids really loved this during Advent this year. I highly recommend it!
I know I will be reading Open Mind, Faithful Heart by Pope Francis. While I was looking for the book on Amazon to link up, I found this – no Catholic home should be without one, right?!!
Also, I ordered the Stations of the Cross Posters and the Lenten Stained Glass Poster Cards from Seton. Use the coupon code LENT2014 and get 20% off through March 10th.
As for the giving up/doing we haven’t figured that out yet. I do love as my children are getting older, the things they come up with are quite creative. Plus, I also like it when they talk about what they might do, stop and say “wait, that would be really hard”. Yep, it’s starting to sink in just a bit!
Lenten Meal Ideas – almost everything is meatless!
Good to Eat – Dinner
Good to Eat – Sides
Good to Eat – Salads
Good to Eat – Soup
More meatless meal ideas
Lent Resources
Make a Lenten Holy Hour
How to Start Praying the Liturgy of the Hours in Three Easy Steps
Patty @ Reason’s for Chocolate has a great selection of Children’s Book Ideas for Lent
Lenten Clutter – my take on 40 bags in 40 days
Lenten Resources – a roundup from 2012
Lenten Activities for Children
FREE Lenten/Easter Activity Pack
Lent Crafts and Activities
Think Lent is Just for Catholics?
Simple Lenten Cross Craft
Can Protestants Celebrate Lent? – Absolutely!
You’ve Got to Get Holey, to be Wholly Holy Understanding Lent
How do you observe Lent in your home?
What a GREAT round-up! I am pinning this one. (Thanks for the link-y love. Praying it helps others experience a fruitful lent.)
Hi Jen,
For some reason your blog is very tiny on my computer so I’m having to squint to type and I’m not sure why your blog comes up so small? Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I linked up to your great list here on my 7 Quick Takes Lent post here: http://asliceofsmithlife.blogspot.com/2014/02/ash-wednesday-lenten-traditions-and.html
Have a blessed weekend and Lent Jen!

Tracy Bua Smith recently posted…Ash Wednesday, Lenten Traditions, and Link-Up All in 7 Quick Takes
Thanks Tracy, I appreciate that so much!
Jen recently posted…March Small Changes Challenge – Declutter!
I ran across this post on Pinterest (thank you for a great post) and wanted to share a couple of my Lenten resources as well.
A Stations of the Cross craft from this year: http://designsbybirgit.blogspot.com/2014/02/stations-of-cross-craft-and-devotional.html
An Easter Egg Rosary from a few years ago: http://designsbybirgit.blogspot.com/2014/02/egg-straordinary-rosary-project-for-lent.html
Birgit J recently posted…Stations of the Cross Craft and Devotional Tools for Kids
Hi Jen, Thanks so much for including me in this post! I can’t wait to check out the resources for the upcoming Lenten Season! Blessings! Kyle
Kyle @ Aspired Living recently posted…Teaching Science Classically
We have the saint cards from Nippert & Co. One of our favorite, most used resources! Peace keep you this Lent.
Kortney recently posted…Follow the Drinking Gourd
I will have to check that out. Thanks for the tip!