National Adoption Month :: 2012

Thanks for reading along during National Adoption Month.  If you missed any posts, I collected them all in one spot for easy navigating.  Enjoy!National Adoption Month :: A Vlog!Adoption vs Domestic AdoptionAn Adoption CallingEducating Others about AdoptionAdoption and HomeschoolingTalking with Our Children about AdoptionHealthy Eating and Your {Adopted} ChildTransracial Adoption10 Things I Love about Adoption

10 Things I Love About Adoption


In keeping with my adoption theme for the month, here are 10 Things I Love About Adoption. 1.  Travel – The opportunity to travel to different parts of the world.  Russia and South Korea would probably never have been on my “to see” list, but traveling to those countries have definitely been an unexpected bonus.2. […]

Transracial Adoption


Transracial adoption can be the elephant in the room, the issue that no one wants to talk about, or tries to sweep under the rug.  I think we try to pretend that race isn’t an issue anymore, it is, however it’s just more subtle.   It’s interesting that no one really batted an eye when […]

Family Days


This week we celebrate two Family Days.  For those of you who don’t know, a Family Day is the day that each of our children joined our family.  Some people refer to the days as Gotcha Days or just Adoption Day.  We have always liked the term “Family Day”.Anna & Levi’s Family day was yesterday […]

Educating Others about Adoption


The other night we were out to eat and had to wait a few minutes before we were seated.  We all had to go to the bathroom, so we all headed to our respective spots.  Bob overhead a couple of upper elementary age boys say “they must be some kind of field trip or something!”. […]

Talking with our Children About Adoption


Talking with our kids about adoption can be challenging, particularly as they grow older and the questions become more complex.  For most of us, we just don’t have many answers to give our inquiring children. From the time we brought Jacob home from Russia, we have tried to be very open, honest, and matter of […]

Domestic vs. International Adoption


When we were first discerning adoption some 13 years ago, there was a particular incident that occurred while we were growing up that immediately came to mind.  Bob and I grew up in the same small town.  We both remember the “baby Jessica” case.  The family that had to return their toddler to the biological […]

National Adoption Month::A Vlog!

My first vlog all about National Adoption Month.  Includes my “why” and upcoming blog events. National Adoption Month is one of my favorite times of the year.  I love that it falls during the month of November, although I’m thankful for adoption throughout the entire year! Also, during the month of November I will be […]